Senior Curriculum Information

Senior Curricular Information


During Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9) girls follow a broad curriculum including a choice of three modern languages, Latin or Classical Civilisation, Humanities and practical subjects. Girls undertake Mid-year tests at the start of Year 7, which provide us with predicted data based on each girl’s potential so that we can track her progress carefully as she moves through the Key Stage.

Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11) comprises the GCSE years. Girls typically take 9 GCSEs involving a core curriculum of English Language and Literature, Mathematics, Science (3 individual Sciences or Combined Science), and a minimum of 4 other subject options. Girls do not have to choose a language as one of their options although we offer French, Spanish and German as option choices.

Through PSHRSE we aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to stay safe and healthy, to prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities of life and to help them make informed decisions in today’s increasingly complex world. Our PSHRSE programme focuses on 3 core topics, Health & Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Relationships (including Sex Education). Each session is connected to one of these core themes. We have a spiral curriculum which allows topics to be appropriate to age and the content expanded as pupils progress through the school. The flexible framework allows for additions to the content, to allow us to address issues that may arise, which we feel pupils need to be aware of.  PSHRSE is taught in form time and in drop down lessons, which are timetabled throughout the year, alongside workshops from outside organisations. Click here to view our Personal Social Health Relationships and Sex Education Policy.

They continue to enjoy Physcial Education (PE) lessons as part of the curriculum (GCSE PE is also an option).

Our GCSE results are always of a consistently high standard with girls achieving excellent GCSE grades and added value per subject, compared to other girls schools in the local area.  Local sixth forms actively seek to recruit our Year 11 girls based on our academic reputation and their experience with our former students.   In nearly all cases, every student secures the sixth form placement of their choice.  This is testament not only to the academic reputation of Manor House School, but the hard work of our girls and the support and encouragement of a committed teaching staff. To see where our girls move onto please go to our Beyond Manor House page


To understand changes to our pupil progress reporting, we have prepared the following video:-


art work


The large, light filled art room at Manor House School provides an exciting environment for our girls to develop and explore their artistic potential




Drama at Manor House School is seen as a valuable tool for increasing self-confidence and communication skills, as well as enabling girls to enjoy the sheer thrill and professionalism of being involved in one of our major school productions or Drama evenings.




The English Department at Manor House School work very closely together and we pride ourselves in our ability to inspire students with our great enthusiasm for literature and learning.

Food Technology

Cooking lesson in school

Food Technology

At Key Stage 3, girls are taught Food and Nutrition and Textiles in our custom-built Food Block. Our aim is to do the very best to ensure that every pupil has an enjoyable and fulfilling time in this subject by instilling a love of cooking whilst  learning vital life skills.


Student in maths lesson


In Classics, girls have the opportunity to study Latin or Classical Civilisation throughout the Senior Department.


Maths class


Investigatory and explorative approaches are encouraged in the learning of Mathematics at Manor House School.

Modern Foreign Languages

students using iPads

Modern Foreign Languages

At Manor House School, we recognise the importance of learning another language and firmly believe that doing so allows our girls to become global citizens. We also celebrate the exciting variety of languages many of our bilingual girls speak at home


students playing the violin


At Manor House School we want all girls to enjoy music. Girls up to Year 9 receive weekly music lessons and then girls can opt to take GCSE in Years 10 and 11.

Physical Education

High jump

Physical Education

Sport is a fundamental part of Manor House School life with all girls encouraged to participate in teams and individual events.


girl looking through microscope


Science is taught in the Mason Centre in laboratories that are fully equipped for all sciences – although designated to a particular discipline to enhance teaching and learning.

Manor House School

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