Mike Farmer – Executive Headteacher
Claire Minikin – Director of Finance
Andy Ellison – Director of Operations
To email a member of staff, please use: initialsurname@manorhouseschool.org
Mike Farmer – Executive Headteacher
Claire Minikin – Director of Finance
Andy Ellison – Director of Operations
To email a member of staff, please use: initialsurname@manorhouseschool.org
Mike Farmer – Executive Headteacher
Claire Minikin – Director of Finance
Andy Ellison – Director of Operations
Mrs G Sims-Brassett
c/o Manor House School, Manor House Lane, Little Bookham, Surrey KT23 4EN
Miss C Dalton
Mrs S Hayes
Mrs M Kieran
Mr A Ross
Canon P Thompson
Headteacher: Ms T Fantham BA (Hons) MA NPQH
( PA to Headteacher: Mrs C Tunstall at ctunstall@manorhouseschool.org )
Deputy Headteacher: Mr S Hillier BSc Econ. (Hons) PGCE NPQH
Head of Admissions & Marketing: Mrs K McSweeney BA (Hons)
Head of Key Stage 4: Mrs T Williams BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of Key Stage 3: Mrs R Waterhouse BSc (Hons), PGCE, MA ED
Head of Prep (Incl. Reception) Mrs H Redward BSc (Hons), QTS
Head of Mathematics Mr P O’Neill BSc (Hons) QTS
Mrs P Gilbert BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs C Zaltsman, ELSA
In addition to Form Tutors as the first line of contact, each Key Stage has a Head of Key Stage responsible for the well-being and pastoral care of pupils.
Mrs K Smith MEd, DipED (Head of Academic Advancement)
Mrs C Wilson BSc Hons PGCE
Mrs T Williams* BA (Hons), PGCE (Head of Art & Drama)
Miss E Mortimer BA Illustration
Mrs A Sivov PGCE, MFA
Mr A Edmeades GSA
Mrs L Holloway AISTD
Mrs C Lorenz MA QTS (Head of English)
Mrs H Jackson BA (hons) PGCE
Miss S Khan BA (Hons) PGCE
Mrs Philippa Knight BA (Hons) PGCE (Head of Technology)
Ms N Izzard, Head of History
Mr P Osborne BSc (Hons), PGCE, Head of Geography (Maternity Cover)
Mr I Peel MA (Oxon), PGCE, Head of Classics
Miss H Savage BSc (Hons), PGCE, (Head of Geography)
Ms M Tillyer BA (Hons), PGCE, (RS Subject Lead)
Mr P O’Neill BSc (Hons) QTS (Head of Maths)
Miss A van Dyk BA, HDipEd
Mrs C Wilson BSc Hons PGCE
Mr T Jones BA (Hons), MA, PGCE (Head of MFL)*
Miss H Boxall BA (Hons), PGCE
Mrs N Miller MA (Oxon), MA, PGCE,
Ms N Summerley BA (Hons), MMus – (Head of Music)
Mrs H Tauber BA (Hons) – (Head of PE)
Mrs T Russo BEd (Hons)
Mrs B Townend BSc (Hons)
Miss E Sutton (Sports Assistant)
Mrs R Waterhouse BSc (Hons), PGCE, MA ED, (Head of Science)
Mrs H Broadhurst Science Teacher
Mrs C Fitzsimons MA QTS
Mrs P Gilbert BSc (Hons), PGCE
Ms M Luke, Director of Nursery Education
Mrs D Whiting, Head of Nursery
Mrs C Rossi, Deputy Head of Nursery and Pre-Nursery Lead
Miss S Astbury, Early Years Practitioner
Miss R Dimes, Early Years Practitioner
Mrs J Hurst, Nursery Assistant
Miss H Loader, Early Years Practitioner
Ms K Parsons, Early Years Practitioner
Mrs E Sanderson, Early Years Practitioner Level 3 NVQ
Miss A Sparks, Early Years Practitioner
Ms A Langford, Early Years Practitioner
Miss K Zentner, Early Years Practitioner
Mrs H Redward BSc (Hons), QTS (Head of Preps)
Mrs L Argent BA (Hons), QTS
Mrs R Darlington BEd (Hons) (Cantab)
Mrs C Davies BEd (Hons) (Oxon)
Mrs C Green BA Hons
Mrs A Holmes BEd, QTS, PSHRE Co-ordinator (Preps)
Mrs D Horrocks HDipEd
Mrs R McMillan BSc (Hons), PGCE
Mrs S Rickerd BA (Hons) QTS
Mrs L Cuthbert BSc
Mrs L Pearce
Mrs C Roberts NVQ3
Mrs H Evans, School Office Manager
Mrs F Adams, School Office Administrator
Mrs J Baynes, Admissions Officer
Miss E Hime-Knowles RCN, School Nurse
Mrs C Hoath, Science Technician
Ms D James, Honeypots (After School Care)
Mr R Knowles, ICT Technician
Mrs L Marriott, Library and Resources Administrator
Mrs H Moss, School Office Administrator
Mrs L McCartney LLB, Cover Supervisor
Mrs K McSweeney BA (Hons), Head of Admissions & Marketing
Ms T Rostron, BSc(Hons) MRes, MSc, Assoc CIPD, HR and Compliance Officer, NPQLTD
Mrs L Stevens, Admissions and Marketing Administrator
Mrs C Tunstall, PA to Headteacher
Mrs A Turner, Learning Support and Cover Assistant
Ms T Gamble – House Keeper and Functions Manager
Miss C Giles – Cleaner
Miss B Kaluzna – Cleaner
Mrs F Krista – Cleaner
Mr J Krista – Cleaner
Miss J Patel – Cleaner
Mrs B Dos Ramos – Cleaner
Mrs M Stacey – Cleaner
Mr A Harwood – Facilities and Estates Manager
Mr S Cooke – Deputy Facilities and Estates Manager, IOSH
Mr P Fairmaner – General Facilities Assistant
Mr R Smith – Groundsman
Mr D Wilson – General Facilities Assistant
Mr T McCleave – Minibus Driver
Mr S Hipple – Gardener
Mr G Hotson – Minibus Driver
Mr S Marsh – Minibus Driver
Mr C Oddman – Minibus Driver
Miss K Styles – Minibus Driver
Mr A Thorne – Minibus Driver