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Joiner Pack

Welcome to our new joiner or transitioning pupil page.

You will be viewing this page for one of two reasons; either you are a new family joining the School or you are already part of the Manor House School community and your child is transitioning into Nursery, Reception, Year 3 or Year 7. We have designed this page to allow you to easily access all the information and forms you need to complete, to start with us.  Also, look out for a letter in the post enclosing a parent car park sticker and your child’s house badge (except Nursery).

In the meantime, there are a few steps to go through and we kindly ask you to submit your joiner forms by the end of term preceding your start date.

In addition you’ll find information related to School Uniform and a link and user guide to SOCS for the School calendar and club bookings.

Please click here for our Terms and Conditions.

Please email admissions@manorhouseschool.org with any questions.


Please read the Joiner Handbook, as applicable to your child’s entry year, to find out everything you need to know about processes and procedures at our School:


Please complete all applicable joiner forms for your child’s entry point – compulsory and optional. Click on the form link to submit your answers. You will receive an email confirming successful completion. Please see our School policies if you need more information

Please complete all forms as applicable to your Year Group:

Compulsory Forms

Special Educational Needs (NEW FAMILIES ONLY)

  1. Special Educational Needs: New Families
  2. If you have indicated on your daughter’s School registration form that she has any Special Educational Needs, it would also be beneficial to our SENCo for you to complete the SEN Snapshot form here.

Optional Forms for Signing Up to Co-Curricular Activities

Instrumental Lessons

Instrumental Lessons – Instrumental Lesson Request Form

LAMDA Tuition (Years 1 to 11)

LAMDA Tuition (Years 1 to 11) – Tel: 07816436129 / 01372 271111.  Please book online via https://stagestars.class4kids.co.uk


We recommend new families set up a uniform account with Schoolblazer.com which is useful whether you are purchasing new uniform, or buying items from the parent run second-hand uniform facility because it will allow you to access the correct sizing.


Please click here for information about School Transport. To discuss collection and drop-off times or discuss options, please contact transport@st-teresas.com. Our bus routes are open to girls from age 8 and above.


Please click here for information on Senior Vaccinations.


Parents can view the following on Schoolbase:

  • Subject reports for your child
  • Rewards and sanctions
  • Your child’s homework timetable
  • Your child’s timetable for the coming academic year
  • All letters that have been sent home for parents


You can also click on Schoolbase from the dropdown menu on our website homepage. Your Username will be your email address on our system. Please create your own password by clicking on ‘Forgot login details’ and enter your email address. You will recieve an email within 5 minutes with a link to reset your password, please check your spam/junk email as it could end up here.

If you are unable to gain access to the online system, please email rknowles@manorhouseschool.org.


You can check the School calendar and book extra-curricular clubs via SOCS. Please note you will not be able to access SOCS until your child has started at Manor House School.


School Portal

Manor House School

Register now!

Pupil guided tours across our co-educational, award-winning Nursery,

co-educational Lower Prep, Upper Prep and Senior School for girls.

For more information, click here.

Contact admissions@manorhouseschool.org to discuss the admission process.