celebrating 100 years

The Alumnae Office

Launched in September 2019, the Alumnae Office (AO) was set up in recognition of the growing community of Manor House Old Girls (MHOGs) wishing to stay connected with each other and our school.

The Office now provides a permanent gateway for Alumnae to get in touch and get involved, and become aware of the various events organized by the Alumnae Office throughout the year.

Our growing mandate includes –

  • Providing a point of contact for all Alumnae enquiries
  • Distributing regular Alumnae news through Social Media and other channels
  • Providing a platform for Manor House Old Girls (MHOGs) to connect and reconnect – in a mentoring, networking or purely social setting
  • Developing & hosting events which benefit our Alumnae – including fairs and lectures on professional development, careers and special interest subjects
  • Identifying fundraising opportunities in support of (1) capital projects or scholarship / bursary funds as identified by the Board of Governors, and (2) local community initiatives

Volunteer opportunities exist for Alumnae to become involved in any of the above, in different capacities depending on location and personal availability.

We look forward to hearing from you. Send your news and your ideas to Katie McSweeney on kmcsweeney@manorhouseschool.org.

Please click here or scan the QR code to join.

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