school grounds


  • Tuition fees for Reception Class to Senior School include compulsory lunch.
  • We operate from 7.45 am to 6.00 pm, Monday to Friday.  We offer free pre-school care from 7.45 am to 8.30 am (start of school).
  • Our after school care runs up to 6.00 pm after clubs and is priced according to the area of the school.
  • A reduction in fees is offered from Reception upwards (for the second and subsequent children) when two siblings or more are at Manor House School, Cranmore or St Teresa’s at the same time. This will be a 10% discount on the second child, 15% on the third child and 20% on the fourth and subsequent children.

Tuition fees per term from the Autumn Term 2024

Tuition Fees  Amount (£) Per Term
Senior School £7,395
Prep School (Years 5-6) £5,695
Prep School (Year 4) £5,595
Prep School (Year 3) £5,395
Prep School (Years 1-2) £4,395
Reception Class £3,995

The full listing of School Charges (including additional services ) for the Senior School, Prep School and Nursery School can be found below.

When choosing a school for your child you are making one of the most important decisions you will make as a parent.  If you have any questions about fees, bursaries or the finances of the school, please call Mrs Hall on 01372 458 538.

Manor House School is a private limited company, limited by guarantee. It has no share holders and is governed by a volunteering board. (A list of current Governors is included under ‘Staff and Governors’). It is also a registered charity. It submits accounts to Companies House and is regulated by the Charities Commission

Nursery School Fees 2024-2025

School Fees 2024-2025

Manor House School


Join us for our whole-school Open Morning on Saturday 5 October 2024 at 9.30 am.

Visit our Nursery, Lower Prep, Prep and Senior Departments.

Register Here.