Mathematics And ICT


At Manor House School, girls follow an in-depth scheme of learning from Year 7 right through to their GCSE Exams in Year 11. The schemes of learning in place are reviewed regularly to ensure we continuously improve our GCSE results.

All girls following our Higher Tier course take Edexcel iGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11. The success of Mathematics at Manor House School is reflected in the uptake of girls who choose to study Mathematics at A Level when they continue on to Sixth Form education.

Girls are placed in sets from the start of Year 7, however these are reviewed regularly each term to ensure girls are being challenged at an appropriate level. Expectations are high and each girl is expected to achieve to the best of her ability. Emphasis is placed on the mastery of content but also on making Mathematics fun to learn. The intention is to ensure the girls meet the constantly increasing academic demands, but also to further their interest and enthusiasm for the subject.

Investigatory and explorative approaches are encouraged in the learning of Mathematics at Manor House School. Using a variety of tasks to help deepen the girls understanding, together with a strong emphasis on the essential algebraic, numeric and geometric skills, we aim to provide girls with the confidence and calibre to be avid mathematicians. In any lesson, you may expect to find a mixture of teaching styles: teacher led discussions and tasks, small group investigations, practical activities, use of ICT and revision and consolidation exercises.

Outside of normal lessons, we offer a variety of extra-curricular activities and we offer some girls the opportunity to add to their studies by studying for the Further Mathematics GCSE. At various points throughout the academic year, girls are also entered for both individual and team UKMT Maths Challenges to push the boundaries of their thinking and provide a platform to excel nationally in their non-curricular mathematics. We also provide dedicated support, when needed, for girls with drop-in sessions each afternoon.

Mathematics is such an important subject needed for adult life and consequently, our team of passionate and experienced staff are on hand to ensure that each girl is given the attention and dedication they require to achieve their very best.

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