picnic with tables of food

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Thank you to Dr Duffy, Miss Moncrieffe, Mrs Di Carlo, Miss Cox and Mrs Thompson.
We wish you well for your next adventure, whether that's in The Isles Of Scilly, having a baby or moving to a a new school!
We hope you like your scroll's. Thanks also to the girls for putting them ...together.

Year 11 all looked wonderful for their much anticipated Prom.
We wish Year 11 well in all of their future endeavours. We will miss you.
#prom #schoolleavers2024 #toloveistolive

The end of the Prep era!
We wish our current Year 6 well as they embark on life in the Senior School and we look forward to welcoming new pupils into Year 7 from September.
#toloveistolive #surreyprepschool #surreyseniorschool

Well done to all pupils who received specific recognition in our final Celebration Assembly across Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Drama, Maths Challenge and Sport.
This is Emilia McB of Year 10 who was awarded a Sports Shield for having achieved Full Colours across four individual Sports. ...
#individualchallenge #surreyseniorschools #surreyschools

Year 11 hit Brighton last week as part of of their leaver activities and celebrations.
#SchoolLeavers #schooltrip #surreyseniorschools

Year 1 and 2 recently visited Painshill Park as a fantastic way to bring their learning about Plants together.
They enjoyed being seeds and exploring the different ways they travel. They collected flowers and made ‘stick gardens’, then later used them to make secret gardens in the ...woodland, complete with a water source!
Pairs of children worked together on a blindfold challenge too.
#aloveoflearning #schooltrip #surreyprepschools

Children were delighted to see their parents and guardians at the Prep Parent Drop In sessions.
Piles of books to go through and work to showcase.
You worked hard this year girls, well done!
#aloveoflearning #surreyprepschool #surreyschools

A fitting end to their Reception year, especially considering they explored People that help us, and the Seaside as topics this year.
The girls had a wonderful time at Littlehampton beach visiting the lifeboat station and exploring the beach and paddling in the sea.
#schooltrip ...#receptionclass #surreyprepschools

Well done to everyone in our Prep School for a wonderful Prep Production of Shrek. Thank you to all those involved back stage to make the show such a success.
The deadline to purchase professional photographs taken at the rehearsal has been extended to midnight on Monday 8 July 2024. Please ...refer to the School newsletter for the code.
#schoolproduction #creativeandcollaborative #surreyprepschools

Super swimming from the Prep's at their Swimming Gala.
Congratulations to Victory for taking the House Cup.
#housesport #swimminggala #surreyprepschools

During Theme Week, we welcomed @alistairlambert for an Eiffel Tower collaboration.
Alistair trained at Chelsea college of Art and the Royal College of Art in Sculpture.
He has worked on many community projects and delivered workshops in London and the surrounding area. He currently lives In... Exeter.
Alistair is keen to encourage pupils to be creative with recycling materials, the Eiffel Tower was created from wood left over from a roof. He wanted to give pupils the chance to make something big and show how 'our hands are amazing tools that can do much more than swipe and tap.'
#themeweek #creativeandcollaborative #surreyschools