bouncy castles and marquees

Friends & Community


The Friends of Manor House School are a friendly committee of parents and staff who organise social events and fundraising activities throughout the school year. We are a registered charity and successfully raise funds to be used to provide and improve facilities at Manor House School and other charities within our local community.

If you wish to speak to a member of the Friends, you can contact Catherine, our Chairperson at:

If you would like to get involved with the FOMHS, we would be delighted to hear from you. We are always on the look out for enthusiastic and supportive parents (with a good sense of humour!)

For our latest social events, go to our events page.


Our events help us to raise funds for charity as well as for developments, equipment or other items required by Manor House School. Just a few of the most recent items that the FOMHS have funded are:

  • 22 New Pc’s for the IT Suite
  • 5 Mac Mini’s for the Music Room
  • 2 Sewing Machines for the Art Department
  • Giant Outdoor Games

We have recently donated funds to three specific charities; Crisis, Meeting Room and The Grange.

We also provide donations towards end of year parties, school trips and the Year 11 Prom night.

Within each year group, there are one (sometimes two) Friends’ Coordinators.  The Friends’ Coordinators provide a link between parents and the Committee.  You will get to hear about all the social events being organised, and there will always be a coffee morning in the diary!


The scheme encourages a donation of a book from parents to the library to celebrate their daughter’s birthday. Mrs Marriott, Library and Resources Manager, is delighted with the response and support she has received from the ‘Friends of Manor House’ where the idea originally came from. Every donated book has a special book plate in it with the child’s name and form and is put onto display. The books are then made available for others to borrow and read. The promotion of reading is so important and this scheme has shown that all types of books still have great appeal.  Although the scheme is optional, it is hoped that a steady flow of books will continue to arrive in the Library!

I hope to meet you soon.

With very best wishes,

Catherine, Chairperson

Manor House School

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