Why Girls

Why Girls’ Only?

Manor House School is a, Independent girls school in Surrey with a Co-Educational Nursery and Lower Prep. It is a member of the GSA (Girls Schools Association) representing Heads of many of the top performing day and boarding schools in the UK independent schools sector.  GSA Schools are experts in educating girls. The GSA encourages high standards of education, pastoral care and extra-curricular activity for girls and help communicate the benefits of pupils being taught in a predominently girls-only environment.

Please click here to read some interesting research from the Girls School Association (GSA) demonstrating the power and benefits of girls’ schools.

Girls’ schools celebrate the female perspective, valuing girls’ opinions and allowing girls the time and space to discover who they are and what they are capable of.

There is a wealth of educational research that demonstrates that girls achieve higher examination results in single-sex schools. The annual league tables are dominated at the top end by girls’ schools but it is not only the brightest girls who do better than expected. Examination results analysed by the DCSF show that girls in Girls’ Schools Association schools achieve better results than girls and boys in either co-educational or boys only schools, whether state or independent.

Academic success through external examinations is an important consideration for any parent but self-confidence is the key to turning skills and knowledge into success.

As a girls only School in Surrey, at Manor House School, pupils learn and grow because they are free to express their thoughts and opinions without fear of put down or dismissal. We provide a setting where girls hold all the positions of responsibility; all the scientists are girls; all the mathematicians are girls. There is no subject stereotyping or activity in which girls do not excel.

As girls mature and develop a natural interest in relationships, our school remains a place where learning is paramount. The time from Year 9 to Year 11 (ages 13 to 16) are crucial years for development physically, mentally and emotionally.  Leadership opportunities are given to a wide range of girls with Year 11 girls being elected to our Senior Prefect Team and Year 9 girls leading our annual House Arts event.  Our Supportive Friends Team offer support and guidance to younger pupils; Year 11 girls provide caring role models for our Prep girls.

Girls are prepared ready and self-confident enabling them to flourish in a Co-Educational post 16 provision. From September 2025 our girls will combine with and join boys and girls from Cranmore and St Teresa’s on the Co-Educational Sixth Form campus.

GSA schools are committed to improving social mobility and provide bursaries and other financial help to support children from less well-off families attending their schools.

Manor House School


Join us for our New Year Fun Day

Saturday 25 January 2025 at 9.30 am to 11.00 am.

For children aged 18 months to 3 years old.

For more information, click here.

Contact admissions@manorhouseschool.org to register for this free event.

Children from our Nursery and Kindergarten are welcome to attend alongside children from the local community.