students swimming

Extra & Co-Curricular Activities

Every term, we host an extensive timetable of extra-curricular clubs and co-curricular activities as part of our curricular enrichment programme at Manor House School, Bookham.  With, typically, over fifty clubs taking place during any one term across the school, there is plenty to choose from; before school, at lunch-time and at the end of the school day. We offer LAMDA lessons (from Year 1 to Year 6 in the Prep School and throughout Senior School) and additional music lessons in over twenty different instruments as co-curricular activities. Our termly Clubs Booklets are issued at the beginning of each term and there are separate booklets for the Prep School and Senior School.

Summer Term Clubs Information 2023 – Prep And Senior Schools

All clubs are now bookable through your SOCS login.

The following activities take priority over clubs at all times; academic learning, sports teams and school productions. Make a note of your prior commitments before making your choice of clubs or activities. Please note there are some clubs which do incur a fee because they are run by outside organisations and in these cases, separate letters are sent home for booking and payment details.

It is important to note that pupils are expected to make a commitment for the whole term. Not arriving for a club affects the whole group. If it is unavoidable, please do let the teacher who is running the activity know about non-attendance, as a register will be taken at all clubs and activities.

If you have any queries please contact Mrs McCartney:

Manor House School


Join us for our New Year Fun Day

Saturday 25 January 2025 at 9.30 am to 11.00 am.

For children aged 18 months to 3 years old.

For more information, click here.

Contact to register for this free event.

Children from our Nursery and Kindergarten are welcome to attend alongside children from the local community.