
Meet Our Head

It is my great pleasure and privilege to be Headteacher at Manor House School, Bookham. I do hope that our website gives you a flavour of all that is exceptional about our School and Nursery and I very much hope that you will be inspired to visit us and find out more.

Inspirational schools transform lives and my aim for Manor House School is to ensure that all of our pupils achieve and experience more than they ever thought was possible. We are passionate about learning. Our active and engaging approach to teaching inspires children to be curious about the world and develop a love of learning, which ensures academic success. Visitors often remark on the welcoming, happy atmosphere, the warm and friendly ethos and the evident supportive relationships between students and staff. I believe that these qualities inspire the pupils to achieve their very best as they progress through the school from Nursery to Seniors.

Pupils here learn together at their own pace, develop confidence to take risks, choose any field of study without stereotypical influence, grow in emotional intelligence and show compassion for others while honing life and leadership skills for the future. But most importantly, develop into happy, confident and successful teenagers.

We provide a safe nurturing environment which enables every girl fulfils her potential, within the classroom, the sporting arena, the creative arts and as compassionate, confident and happy individual.

School is a once and forever opportunity for pupils to develop their talents and we aim to offer unforgettable experiences through our extensive enrichment programme. Our pupils develop their talents in the most beautiful setting, they have the freedom to be themselves, to enjoy the lovely grounds and to make long and lasting friendships.

The founders of this school were two brave and forward thinking women and I am honoured to be able to lead their legacy, to carry onward the traditions and values which make Manor House School so special, yet ensuring a forward thinking approach, enabling the pupils to be prepared for the world into which they will emerge. I aim to develop happy young women who love coming to School and believe in their abilities to learn and succeed yet, when the time is right, are eager to enter the real world to apply the skills and knowledge that they have learned.

Please do come and visit us. By choosing Manor House School, you can be sure that you will be giving your daughter or son the greatest of gifts; a happy, enriching and successful education.

Tracey Fantham BA (Hons) MA NPQH

Manor House School

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co-educational Lower Prep, Upper Prep and Senior School for girls.

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