Upper Prep

Year 3

There is a general emphasis on developing greater independence in the first year of Key Stage 2 at Manor House. The majority of lessons are taught by the class teacher, with specialist teaching in Music, Drama, PE and French. In Science, the girls cover topics such as rocks and soils, forces and magnets, food and our bodies, and light. They also get the opportunity to grow their own plants and harvest them.

In Humanities, they study invaders and settlers, with a special focus on Celts and Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  The girls also investigate weather and climate across Europe, the Americas and the UK and explore the world’s tropical rain forests.

Class outings take place at least once per term throughout the year.  Girls visit Fishbourne Roman Palace to gain an insight into life in Roman times, as well as the British Museum, to see the amazing artefacts related to this period in history.

The residential trip to Juniper Hall in May helps to extend the girls’ learning in Humanities and Science.  This is a memorable visit as it is the pupils’ first experience of a residential trip and they get to spend one night away from home.

Manor House School


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Visit our Nursery, Lower Prep, Prep and Senior Departments.

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